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Linea Wellness coniglietti

Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas are strict herbivores. This means that they have evolved to consume large amounts of plants, which are rich in fibre and poor in nutrients. A characteristic of their dietary classification is continuously growing teeth, the shape and the length of which are regulated by a balance between the continuous growth and the friction generated by chewing abrasive foods, rich in fibre and lignin, such as herbs, leaves and bark.

Even the digestive system of these species has adapted to a herbivorous diet: a relatively small stomach, a long intestine, and an especially spacious caecum, where the fermentation processes required to digest fibre take place. Diets rich in fibre maintain a beneficial intestinal flora; otherwise, if carbohydrate content increases in diets poor in fibre, healthy flora is replaced by potentially harmful bacteria. Diets must include an amount of fibre, especially long fibre, to stimulate intestinal motility.

Wellness FOODS take into consideration the importance of fibre in the diet of these species kept as pets, both in terms of quantity (17-18%) and quality, by using choice herbs 3 mm in length. The feeds are produced by pressing ingredients together in pellets twice the standard size, BiPellet, which contain longer fibre, to encourage chewing and regulate teeth growth.

Wellness FOODS take into consideration the importance of fibre in the diet of these species kept as pets, both in terms of quantity (17-18%) and quality, by using choice herbs 3 mm in length.







Since rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas ingest large amounts of feed, if their diet is too energy-dense they are at risk for obesity, especially pet rodents, which usually lead a sedentary lifestyle.

For this reason Wellness FOODS have been formulated by paying special attention to the carbohydrate content, the immediate source of energy, by excluding cereals from our adult dwarf rabbit feed, and by limiting fat content to 3,5%.

Spirulina algae

Spirulina algae, which has a protein content between 50% and 70% of dry matter, a broad range of amino acids and an high digestibility, was included.

Thanks to its amino acid profile and high content in vitamins and minerals, Spirulina algae appears to be an excellent natural supplement!

The calcium-phosphorus ratio of Wellness FOODS goes from 1,4 to 2, a suitable ratio for these species: they require a significant amount of calcium to sustain the continuous growth of teeth. On one hand, imbalances in this ratio lead to the formation of kidney and bladder stones, on the other, they lead to metabolic problems, such as secondary hyperparathyroidism, resulting in alveolar bone resorption and osteoporosis of the skull and jaw which, as it is no longer able to provide sufficient support for the teeth, curves with axial deviation of the same, which results in malocclusion.

Wellness FOOD for young dwarf rabbits contains a coccidiostat, a molecule that controls coccidia replication, to avoid coccidiosis. Coccidiosis is a disease caused by parasites that can infest the intestine and liver of the rabbit. Those most affected are young rabbits, which have a weaker immune system, and are unable to control the replication of the coccidia, especially when under stress.

Hamsters are omnivorous rodents that require a higher amount of protein and lower amount of fibre. Wellness FOOD for hamsters comes in the form of pellets mixed with cereal and vegetable flakes and dried larvae to stimulate the hamsters’ curiosity, even while eating!

All Wellness FOODS contain yucca schidigera. It contains saponins that reduce the activity of the urease enzyme in the digestive tract, reducing the urea-to-ammonia conversion and consequently the odour of faeces and urine.


The research behind the Wellness food line was carried out with
the cooperation of researchers from the Department of Animal
Sciences at the University of Padua

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Balanced food to cater for the needs of a fast and delicate
metabolism such as that of birds.

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